Dwayne & Francine Meisner's Family Tree

The Genealogy of Dwayne Meisner and Francine Williams

Dwayne & Francine Meisner's Family Tree - Main Menu

To see which church parish records are
available, click each county's name.
In the information window that opens,
select the records you wish to view.

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The Church Parish BMD search engine was re-indexed on March 20, 2022.
Please remember that these transcriptions are interpretations of the original records.
These transcriptions are only indices (A simple index of the original records). Be sure to check the original records to confirm your research.
Northumberland Strait
Bay of Fundy
Atlantic Ocean
Most of the information in this section was graciously provided by Kim Stevens.
Thanks to Neil Sponagle for reformatting some of this information to make it display better.