Ron Zinck's Newspaper Collection - Weddings - 1942

LOCKEPORT, Sept 17-The marriage took place at the East Green Harbour - Pentecostal Parsonage by Rev. Mr. Latimer, of Marjorie Lenora, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Amos Roache, to Maurice St. Clair Townsend, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Townsend, all of East Green Harbour. They were supported by the bride's slsler, Miss Helen Roache, and by her brother, Percy Roache. The groom is with the merchant navy.
September 18

McKINNON--KEARNS - ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, Sept. 17 - A pretty wedding took place last evening at the home of Charles Kearns, when his daughter, Mary Adeline, became the bride of David Frank McKinnon, of Glasgow, Scotland, of the R.A.F., now stationed at Greenwood. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion, the bridal couple standing beneath an arch of autumn flowers. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. B. Wright, Pastor of the United Baptist Church. The bride, who entered the room on the arm of her father, was gowned in white with net veil and carried a bouquet of mixed flowers. She was attended by Mrs. Donald Saulnier, as matron-of-honor, while the groom was supported by Corp. Ernest Rant, also of the R.A.F. Following the ceremony a reception was held. Refreshments were served by friends of the bride. They will make their home in Kingston for the present.

September 18

MANUEL--WHYNACHT - BRIDGEWATER, Sept 17 - The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whynacht, Birchfield, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Monday, Sept. 14th, at 3:30 p.m., when Rev. R. Winchester, pastor of the Baptist Church at Greenfield, united in marriage, their daughter, Hilda Prenetta, and George Douglas Manuel of Halifax. The bride entered the drawing room, on the arm of her father, by whom she was given in marriage, to the strains of Lohengrin's Bridal March, rendered by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Forrest Whynacht. She was attractively gowned in a floor length dress of white satin, made princess style, with square neck and three-quarter length sleeves. She wore a shoulder length veil, caught around the forehead into a coronet of sweet peas. Her only ornament was a locket, the gift from the groom. She carried a cascade shower bouquet of gladioli roses and fern. Her sister, Miss Marion Whynacht, of Halifax, was bridesmaid and the groom was supported by Jack Dowell, of Halifax. Following the wedding a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Serving were Mrs. Percy Seamone, sister of the bride. Miss Jean Dollivar, Mrs. Starrett Dollivar, Mrs. Norma Seamone, of Bridgewater, Miss M. MacLean, R.N., of Halifax, Miss Ethel Whynacht, of Halifax, Mrs. Marlie Wile, aunt of the bride, presided over the teacups.

September 18

MacKEEN - POLSON -- At Bass River on October 14 Miss Lillie Mae Polson of Goshen was united in marriage to Stuart F. MacKeen of Aspen, Nova Scotia.

October 17

READ - BLACK -- At the Corbeville United Church on October 9, Edith Gertrude Black became the bride of William Everett Read.

October 17

LAWLOR - CHISHOLM -- On October 12 at Margaree Miss Isobel Chisholm of Margaree Harbor was united in marriage to John Patrick Lawlor of Guysboro.

October 17

MACKAY – JENNINGS - On Tuesday evening, Oct. 13th, in St. George’s Presbyterian Manse, River John, Pictou County, Albert Orin MacKay, and Mrs. Katherine Ann Jennings, both of River John, were united in marriage, with Rev. T. G. M. Bryan officiating. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Charles W. Langille and the late Mr. Langille, and formerly resided in Tangier, Halifax County.

October 17

HANKINSON – KIRKER – A quiet but very lovely Fall wedding took place in St. Paul’s Church, Halifax, Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, when Ven. Archdeacon T. W. Savary united in marriage Miss Claire Kirker, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Kirker of this city, and John Bishop Hankinson, son of E. F. Hankinson and the late Mrs. Eunice Heartz Hankinson of Weymouth. Miss Natalie Littler played the wedding marches. Lieutenant W. L. MacLeod gave the bride in marriage. She wore a floor length gown of eggshell satin with long torso effect, and sweetheart neckline, a three-quarter length veil trimmed with seed pearls, and she carried a bouquet of deep red roses. There were no bridal attendants. An informal reception for a few relatives was held afterwards at the home of the bride, 39 Preston Street, after which Mr. Hankinson and his bride left on a trip to Yarmouth and the Annapolis Valley, and Prince Edward Island. The bride travelled in a rose woolen dress with black accessories. She was the recipient of a beautiful collection of wedding gifts. A number of parties were held in her honor and showers. She had been employed with the firm of A. J. Bell and Company Limited, and received a silver tea service and a cheque from them. Mr. Hankinson is connected with the Royal Bank of Canada in St. John’s, Newfoundland.

October 17

CROSBY – WARD – One of the loveliest weddings of the season and one of much interest to Pictonians took place in Halifax recently, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hubley, 20 Sherwood Street, when Willena Leslie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ward, Eureka, Pictou Co., became the bride of Sgt. Raymond L. Crosby, P. T. I., R. C. A. F., son of Pte. And Mrs. Vernon Crosby, Brazil Lake, Yarmouth County. Rev. J. D. Archibald of Bethany United Church, Armdale, solemnized the marriage in the presence of about 40 guests. The room was beautifully decorated with white phlox banked with green ferns, making a lovely setting for the bridal party. The bride was given in marriage by her father, wore a floor length gown of Queen’s blue with a tight bodice and full skirt and she wore silver slippers. Her shoulder length veil, caught up cap fashion was of silk net. She carried a handsome spray bouquet of Johanna Hill roses. The bride and groom were unattended. Miss Jean Ward, sister of the bride, assisted her with her bouquet. After the usual felicitations were extended to the bride and groom a dainty buffet luncheon was served. Mrs. James Wylie of Halifax, and Mrs. George Wallace of Eureka, poured tea and they were assisted in serving by the Misses Margaret MacKenzie, Charlotte Coulton, Gladys Kline, Freda Lampier, Mrs. R. Parker, Mrs. G. Saunders, Mrs. S. Goodyer, all of Halifax, and Misses Jean and Noreen Ward, of Eureka, sisters of the bride. The bride and groom cut the cake in the traditional manner after which a toast was proposed to the bride. Previous to her marriage the bride was tendered a number of showers and received many lovely gifts including silverware, pyrex, linen, dishes, etc. Later Mr. and Mrs. Crosby left on a honeymoon ??? (last line or two has been cut off)

October 17

CURRIE – MACDOUGALL – Miss Elga Ruth MacDougall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James MacDougall of O’Leary, P. E. I. became the bride of Denzel Quinton Currie, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Currie, also of O’Leary, P. E. I, at a quiet ceremony Friday morning at 7 o’clock in the West End Baptist Parsonage. Rev. G. S. Vincent performed the ceremony. Immediately afterwards the bride and groom left on the morning train for Prince Edward Island where they will spend their honeymoon. The bride wore a blue velvet street length dress with accessories to correspond and a corsage of gardenias. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Charles MacNeill of Halifax. Mr. and Mrs. Currie will reside in Halifax.

October 17

SMITH – MACKENZIE – SYDNEY, Oct. 16 – The study of Saint Andrew’s United Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Tuesday morning, Oct. 13th, at 10 o’clock, when Rev. Clarence M. Nicholson united in marriage Olive Louise MacKenzie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hector C. MacKenzie and Homer Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murdock Smith, all of Sydney. Conforming to wartime simplicity the couple were unattended. The bride was most attractive in a street length frock of chartreuse green, with accessories of British tan and corsage of yellow roses. Following the ceremony the happy couple left on a motor trip through the province and on their return will take up residence in Sydney.

October 17

CLARK – KENT – A pretty wedding was solemnized in H. M. C. S. Kings Thursday afternoon when Pearl Mae Kent, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kent, Pleasant Point, because the bride of William Ross Clark, R. C. N. V. R., only son of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Clark of Verdun, Quebec. The double ring ceremony was performed by Naval Chaplain, Rev. Charles deW White. The bride entered the chapel on the arm of her brother, Ralph Kent, by whom she was given in marriage, to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Mildred Hunter. She wore a floor length gown of white georgette crepe with fitted waistline and full skirt. She wore a fingertip veil of fine net caught with a halo of flowers. Her bouquet was of yellow and red roses. The groom was attired in the dress uniform of the navy. Immediately following the ceremony the bride and groom left on a short trip to the bride’s home. For travelling Mrs. Clark wore a gray bunny wool dress trimmed with coral, and her accessories were of blue. The bride was honored at a series of delightful showers during the last week. Many friends join in wishing the young couple much happiness.

October 17

LAWLOR – CHISHOLM – MARGAREE, Oct. 16 – A wedding of widespread interest to relatives and friends in Nova Scotia was solemnized at St. Michael’s Church, Margaree, on Oct. 12th, when Rev. A. H. Cormier, P. P. united in marriage Miss Isabel Chisholm, daughter of Mrs. Chisholm and the late Dr. A. W. Chisholm, Margaree Harbor, and John Patrick Lawlor, son of Mrs. Lawlor and the late J. Lawlor, of Guysboro. The church was tastefully decorated with Autumn leaves and flowers. Entering the church on the arm of her brother, Donald, by whom she was given in marriage, the bride’s wedding gown was of gold cloth, mink neck piece, and accessories of brown. She carried a bouquet of gold ‘mums and fern. Her sister, Miss Annie, was bridesmaid. H. I. Robertson was groomsman. After the ceremony the bridal couple and immediate relatives motored to the home of the bride’s mother, where a buffet luncheon was served. Assisting in serving were Mrs. (Dr.) Malcolm Chisholm, Stellarton; Miss Rose Lawlor, Guysboro; Miss Mary A. Chisholm, Margaree. Mr. and Mrs. Lawlor left by motor for points of interest in Nova Scotia. The bride was a graduate of Mount Saint Vincent Ladies College, and until the time of her marriage she has held the position of stenographer for W. N. McDonald, Sydney. Mrs. Lawlor was feted on several occasions by her friends in Sydney and at Margaree Harbor, where she received many useful and beautiful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Lawlor will take up residence at Glace Bay where the groom is accountant at the Royal Bank of Canada. Out-of-town guests at the marriage were Mrs. J. Lawlor, Guysboro; Miss Rose Lawlor, Halifax; Mrs. M. O’Connor, Guysboro; H. T. Robertson, Hawkesbury; Mrs. Dr. Malcolm Chisholm, ???

October 17

JOHNSON – MACLEOD – ANTIGONISH, Oct 16 – At Calvin United Church, New Waterford, at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. MacLeod of New Waterford, was married to Leading Writer Ralph R. Johnson, R. C. N. V. R., son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson, of Goldboro. The ceremony was performed under an arch of maple leaves by the Rev. M. A. MacMillan, B. A., B. D., The bride entered the church on the arm of her father to the strains of Mendelssohn’s Wedding March played by the organist Miss Mildred Holmes. She wore a suit of Copenhagen blue wool faille with silver fox trimming. Her accessories were of navy blue. The corsage was of pink roses. Miss Marguerite MacLeod, who attended her sister, wore a suit of cocoa brown faille with fur trimming and accessories of dark brown. Her corsage was of yellow roses. Ushers were Edgar MacLeod, brother of the bride, and Gordon Kannigiereser, R. C. A. F. During the signing of the register Miss Genevieve Weatherbee sang. A wedding reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents. Receiving with the bride were her mother, dressed in a navy sheer redingote with navy accessories. She had a corsage of red and white roses. Mrs. Johnson, mother of the bridegroom was dressed in powder blue with navy accessories. The corsage was of pink roses. Over ?? guests attended the wedding supper, when the toast for the bride and groom was proposed by Rev. M. A. MacMillan.  ??? were Misses Minnie Purdy, Lucy Chiasson, Katie Dickson and Berry MacQueen. Others who assisted included Mrs. Gus MacLeod, Mrs. Wallace MacLeod, Mrs. Robert Leadbetter and Mrs. A. C. Penny. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will reside in St. John’s, Nfld.

October 17

READ – BLACK – AMHERST, Oct. 16 – The first wedding to be held in the Lorneville United Church took place Friday, Oct. 9 at 7:30 pm when Edith Gertrude, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Black, of Lorneville became the bride of William Everett, son of Mr. John Read and the late Mrs. Read of Lencester, Rev. C. M. Mack of Amherst officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, entered the church to the strains of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin played by Mrs. Mack. She wore a navy suit with navy accessories and a white sheer blouse and corsage of carnations. Mrs. Carmen Johnson, sister of the bride was her matron of honor. Carmen Johnson was best man. Little Ralene Chapman and Joan Black, nieces of the bride were flower girls and looked dainty wearing blue and pink taffeta dresses and carried baskets of flowers. The ushers were Raymond Black and Norman Embree. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Logan Chapman, Amherst Shore. Immediately after the reception the happy couple left on a short wedding trip and on their return will reside in Amherst. The bride received many beautiful guests. Previous to her marriage she was guest of honor at surprise showers at the home of Mrs. Wyman Chapman and Mrs. Norman Embree; also the Robb Engineering Works where she had been employed.

October 17

SMITH - HART -- Mr. and Mrs. F. Reg. Hart announce the marriage of their daughter, Margaret Ruth, to Douglas Usher Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Smith, Amherst, on Saturday.

October 19

BELL-SCOTT -  Amherst. Oct 17  - Of Int... the many friends of the family..this province was the marriage of L.A.C. Garnet Wigle Bell, R.C.A.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. William O. Bell of Toronto, to Miss Audrey Marie Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus William Scott of Toronto, which took place in that city at Kew Beach United Church on Saturday, Oct. 10.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. Russell Carruthers with W.R. Young at the organ. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of dove white, moulded bodice, long right fitting sleeves and sweetheart neckline.  The bouffant skirt was of net over taffeta.  Her finger tip veil of tulle illusion was caught to her head with a coronet of shirred net embroidered with set pearls.  She carried a bouquet of light pink roses and bouvardia. Miss Ruth Mitchell was the bride's only attendant.  Joseph Kyle attended the groom as best man, and the ushers were Waldron Scott, brother of the bride, and William Bell, brother of the groom.  A reception followed at the home of the bride's parents.  Mrs. Scott, mother of the bride, received, wearing a gown of aster purple crepe with matching hat and a corsage of opalescent gladioli.  Mrs. Bell, mother of the groom, chose a gown of cloud gray accented with a hat of radiant fuchsia.  Her corsage was of cerise gladioli and pink roses. The groom is a grandson of Mrs. W.I. Bell of Amherst.  His father, W.O. Bell, was former Y.M.C.A. Secretary, at Yarmouth for a number of years, while his mother is a daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Hamilton Wigle, one time pastor in Amherst and in Halifax.

October 19

CALVERT - CROSBY -  THE ARGYLES.  Oct 17  The United Baptist Church of Lower Argyle was the scene of a pretty wedding recently when Alice Mary Crosby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Crosby, of Yarmouth, became the bride of L.A.C. Martin Sloan Calvert of Belfast, Ireland.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. L.W. Mills, pastor of the church. The bride was becomingly attired in white satin with shoulder length veil and carried a bouquet of gladioli.  She was attended by Mrs. Robert Hall of Yarmouth.  The best man was Victor Butler of the R.A. ?? and stationed in Yarmouth.  The bride was given in marriage by Douglas Price. The church was decorated with Fall flowers by friends of the bride and groom.  Mrs. Chesley Green played the wedding marches.

October 19

WRIGHT – CAIRNS – TRURO – Oct 17 – St. Andrew’s United Church was the scene of a pretty Fall wedding Wednesday, Oct. 13, when Rev. W. C. Morrison united in marriage Miss Hilda Mary, daughter of Mrs. Spencer Cairns and the late Mr. Cairns of Sydney, and Frederick George Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Wright, Bible Hill, Truro. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Arthur Cairns, wore a floor length frock of white flowered sheer. Her white tulle veil was in halo effect. She carried a cascade bouquet of red roses. She was attended my Miss Ivy Hollingsworth, maid of honor, with the Misses ??? and Beulah Terry as bridesmaids. The groomsman was Henry Wright, brother of the groom, while the ushers were Leslie Al???, R. A. F. Debert, and Fraser McLeod, Halifax. Donald Fullerton presided at the organ, and Jack Taylor, of the R. A. F. was soloist. A reception was held for the wedding party at the home of Mrs. A. P. McLeod, Duke St. Immediately following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Wright left on a short wedding trip to Cape Breton. They will reside in Truro.

October 19

VINCE  -  DUNBAR -  PICTOU,  Oct.17.  A quiet wedding took place at St. James ? Pictou recently when Florence Dunbar , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dunbar of Abercrombie, Pictou County was married to ? Jack Vince RAF formerly of Yorkshire, England, but who is now stationed in Nova Scotia. Rev. ?.?. Bent officiated at the ceremony. The bride was attired in a short length dress of ? blue ???? The attendants were Miss Jean N? of New Glasgow and Edwin W? of Stellarton. Following the ceremony the couple returned to the home of the bride’s parents in Abercrombie where a wedding reception which was attended by 40 guests was held later.  Mr. and Mrs. Vince left for their honeymoon to Prince Edward Island.

October 19

MURRAY – ARCHIBALD – At the home of Mrs. E. E. O’Brien, 7 McMullan Street, Truro, October 14, Rev. A. D. Archibald, D. D., of Truro and Mrs. Mary Harriet Murray of Denham, Mass. Were married by Rev. L. W. Parker of Truro, Nova Scotia.

October 20

LANDRY - DELOREY - TRACADIE, Oct. 19 -- A marriage of interest to many friends took place on Oct. 12th, wen Rev. W. Roberts, P.P. officiated at the marriage of Miss Louise Delorey, and Leonard Landry in St. Peter's Church. The bride was gowned in white and was attended by her cousin, Miss Catherine Benoit, attired in rose. The groom was supported by his cousin Sylvester Landry, R.C.A. The bride has been a successful school teacher. The groom is employed in Halifax.

October 20

RICHARD - DIGOUT A very pretty wedding took place Monday, October 5, when Rev. Father P. Robirtille of River Bourgeois, united in marriage, Miss Margaret Digout, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Digout, to Alfred H. Richard son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richard, all of the same parish. The bride wore a soldier blue dress and hat to match. She was attended by Miss Eileen Landry, who wore a green dress and hat to match. The groomsman was Alfred Digout, brother of the bride. After the reception which was held at the home of the groom, the couple left on a trip. A shower and dance was held on their return. The couple received many lovely gifts.

October 20

LANGILLE - CONNOLLY - TRURO, Oct. 19 -- A quiet wedding was solemnized, Saturday evening, Oct. 17, at 8 at The First Baptist Parsonage, 5 Faulkner Street, when Isabel Grace Connolly, became the bride of Walter Hibbert Langille. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chesley Connolly of Tatamagouche and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Langille of the same place. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Ernest J. Barrass, in the presence of relatives and friends of the young couple.

October 20

WALLACE - KAULBACK - TRURO, Oct. 19 -- A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Earl Peppard, Great Village, on Saturday evening, Oct. 19, when Walter Burton Wallace, was united in marriage to Dorothy Belle Kaulback of Truro. Mr. Wallace is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wallace, formerly of Stewiacke, is a foreman of the C.N.R. yards, Truro. The bride was becomingly dressed in a street length navy blue dress with accessories to match. The ceremony was performed in the presence of friends and relatives by the Rev. Lee R. Carter, pastor of the Debert United Baptist Church. After the ceremony a lunch was served by Mrs. Peppard and Mrs. Charles Rushton.

October 20

REID - MacKENZIE - WESTVILLE, Oct. 19 -- A very pretty Autumn wedding was solemnized at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Saturday, Oct. 17, at 2:30 p.m., when Miss Margaret Elizabeth (Betty) MacKenzie, youngest daughter of Major and Mrs. James G. MacKenzie, Westville, became the bride of Constable James N. Reid, R.C.M.P., the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George N. Reid, also of Westville. The church was beautifully decorated with Autumn leaves and the bridal service was performed beneath a decorated arch of vari-colored Autumn leaves with Rev. Dr. George S. Mitchell as the officiating clergyman. The bride was charming in a beautiful wedding gown of white taffeta, fashioned with a slight train, which was given added charm and gracefulness by the long sweeping embroidered bridal veil which was held to her head with a circlet of tiny flowers. Her only ornament was a string of pearls which belonged to her mother. She carried a colonial nosegay of American Beauty roses. Mrs. Lorne G. Ferguson, wearing a becoming floor length blue taffeta dress with a blue hat and carrying a nosegay of mauve flowers, attended as matron-of-honor. Corporal W. G. Fraser, New Glasgow, was the groomsman. The ushers were Constable V. M. Seppala and Constable G. J. Reddy, both of New Glasgow. The four R.C.M.P. members of the bridal party wore the dress uniform.

October 20

CARRIGAN - CONNORS - WESTVILLE, Oct. 19 -- A wedding solemnized at the Church of the Holy Name, united in marriage Miss Thelma Connors, daughter of Mrs. Connors and the late Alexander Connors, Acadia Ave., and Percy Carrigan, son of Mrs. Carrigan and the late Patrick Carrigan, Cowan St., Westville. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Joseph F. Day. The bride wore a blue wool crepe suite, trimmed with fur, with which she wore brown accessories, and a corsage of pale yellow roses. Miss Jean Carrigan, the groom's sister and Ollaster Connors, brother of the bride were the attendants.

October 20

SCHNARE - GRAY - A quiet wedding took place a the J. Wesley Smith Memorial Church parsonage, Thursday evening, Oct. 15, at 6 o'clock, when Neta Marie Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gray, of Sambro, became the bride of Oliver Kenneth Schnare, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Schnare, of Pennant. Rev. W. R. Seeley officiated. The bride was attired in a street length dress of Royal blue velvet with accessories to match, and wore a corsage of pink and white carnations. Una Gray was bridesmaid, and was attired in a street-length dress of rose suedine with accessories to match, and a corsage of pink carnations. The groom was attended by his brother-in-law, Earl Richardson. A reception was held at the home of the bride, where she received many lovely gifts.

October 20

CLATTENBURG - INNIS - PICTOU, Oct. 19 -- A pretty wedding took place on Monday, Oct. 5, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Innes, East Branch, Pictou County, when their daughter, Dorothy Murray, was united in marriage to William Judson Clattenburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clattenburg, Port Wallis, Dartmouth. Rev. Lloyd MacLellan officiated in the presence of 40 guests. The bride entered the living room on the arm of her father to the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin played by Mrs. Elgin Graham, Scotsburn. She was very attractive in a street length dress of dusty rose crepe with brown accessories. Her corsage was of pink and cream roses with maiden hair fern Her only ornament was a gold locket. Mrs. Brenton, Port Wallis, sister of the groom, was matron of honor.

October 20

LEWIS - TITUS - PICTOU, Oct. 19 -- A wedding of interest to friends in Nova Scotia took place in St. John, N. B., on Friday evening, Oct. 2, in the Salvation Army Citadel when Capt. Florence Titus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Titus of St. John, was united in marriage to Capt. Harvey Lew of Montreal. The bride wore her army uniform and carried a bouquet of red roses. She was attended by her sister, Vera Titus, also in uniform, who carried a bouquet of pink roses. Geneva Titus, niece of the bride, was flower girl, and the groomsman was Lieut. Pride. Officiating at the ceremony was Major Green, Divisional Commander for New Brunswick, who was assisted by Mrs. Green and Capt. Earle Y.P.S.M. Beth Bond was the soloist.

October 20

BENT - MILLER AMHERST, Oct. 19 -- A pretty wedding of interest to a wide circle of friends took place at Immanuel United Church, Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, when Muriel Mae, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Miller of Sackville, became the bride of Sgt. Pilot Harry Sponagle Bent R.C.A.F., son of Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Bent of Amherst. The double ring ceremony was performed by the groom's father, Rev. Mr. Bent.

October 20

FERGUSON – SMITH – On Wednesday, Oct. 14 at Amherst, Nova Scotia, Mildred Eileen Smith of Florenceville, N. B. was married to Albert Stewart Ferguson of Bay View, P. E. I.

October 21

BURKE – BUGLEY – On October 17 at Amherst, Miss Margaret Mae Bugley of Tignish was married to Joseph Elmo Burke of Amherst.

October 21

HARLOW – SAMPSON – On Thursday morning, Oct. 15, 1942, at Church of St. Joachim, Pointe Claire, Quebec, by the Rev. T. A. Bracken, P. P. of St. Gabriel’s Church, Montreal, Sophie, daughter of Mrs. Harriet Sampson and the late Henry Sampson of L’Ardoise, N. S. to William Patrick Harlow, “The Edgewater,” Pointe Claire, Quebec.

October 24

LOTVEDT – MORELL – Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Morrell of Bedford announce the marriage of their daughter Elsie (Abbie) to Toralf Lotvedt, son of Mr. H. C. Meeks, St. Laurent, P. Q., and the late Arne Lotvedt. Marriage took place October 18, Rev. I. R. Bent, Pictou, N. S. officiating.

October 24

STRUM – NELSON - SHELBURNE, Oct. 22 – A marriage of much interest in Shelburne was solemnized in the United Church recently, when Rev. G. A. Beveridge united in marriage Miss Edna Mabel Nelson to Roger Ernest Strum. The bride wore a silk crepe dress of redingote style with accessories to match with a corsage of roses. The bridesmaid was Miss Elizabeth Cameron. The groom was supported by Robert Nicholson. The bride, one of Shelburne’s popular young ladies, was formerly of Upper Stewiacke, but has been residing here for several years, conducting the Shelburne Beauty Parlor with her partner, Miss Elizabeth Cameron. The groom, who is also a popular member of the younger set, is manager of the Steadman Store here for formerly resided in Windsor, N. S. Following the ceremony a reception was held for the happy couple by a large number of their friends.

October 24

MORRISON – MACKENZIE – SYDNEY, Oct. 23 – A wedding of much interest to friends in Cape Breton was that of Isabel MacKenzie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel MacKenzie, and Daniel Morrison, son of Mr. John Morrison and the late Mrs. Morrison, all of Sydney. Rev. H. A. Doing performed the ceremony in the Presbyterian Church on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 15th. The bride was most attractive in a street length frock of Queen’s blue sheer in two piece effect with corsage of Bridal roses. A smart navy velvet chapeau and navy accessories completed her costume. She was attended by her sister, Mrs. M. Windsor, as matron of honor, and M. Windsor supported the groom. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Morrison left on a motor trip to Prince Edward Island, and on their return will reside on Rockdale Avenue, where the groom conducts a successful business.

October 24

DAUGMAN – SPURR – ROUND HILL, Oct. 23 – A wedding of interest to friends in this community took place recently in Roxbury, Mass., at the Ruggles Street Baptist Church when Ruth Isabelle Spurr of Newtonville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Spurr of Round Hill and Rev. John Daugman, D. D. of Boston, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Daugman of Latvia, were united in marriage. The double ring service was performed by Rev. James Rider. The bride, who was given in marriage by her cousin, Dr. Walter N. Keene, wore a floor length dress of white satin and net and carried a bouquet of white gladioli. Her maid of honor was Madeline Schneider of Jamaica Plains and her bridesmaids were her cousins, Nancy and Harriett Keene of Newtonville. Rev. Oswald Plumet acted as groomsman and the ushers were John Thompson and Harold Wilson. Following the ceremony a reception was held in the hall of the church and later Dr. and Mrs. Daugman left for Atlantic City. On their return they will reside at 40 Buswell Street, Boston. The groom is a teacher at the Mount Ida Junior College for Women, in Newton Center.

October 24

PAMENTER – GOULD – GRAND PRE, Oct. 23 – North Grand Pre Church on Oct. 17, was the scene of a pretty Autumn wedding, when Vivian Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Vernon Gould, North Grand Pre, was united in marriage to Eugene William Pamenter, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pamenter of Bridgewater. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. Eugene Davis, Kingston, a classmate of the bride at Acadia University, assisted by Rev. C. H. Johnson, pastor of the church at Grand Pre. The wedding music was rendered by Mrs. C. C. Westcott Melanson, aunt of the bride. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street length dress of cocoa brown with dark brown accessories, and carried a bouquet of talisman roses. Harry Keddy acted as usher. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the bride’s home for the immediate families and friends. Mrs. N. G. Hamilton, sister of the groom poured tea, and those serving were the Misses Dorothy Gould, Christine Pamenter, Olive Eaton, Gladyce Landels and Elizabeth Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Pamenter left for a motor trip in the province, before going to New Glasgow, where they will reside. Mrs. Pamenter has been employed with the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture at Halifax since her graduation from Acadia University, having been secretary to the minister, Hon. J. A. McDonald. Mr. Pamenter is associated with the Canadian Bank of Commerce at New Glasgow.

October 24

HART – BROWN – ATHOL, Oct. 22 – A quiet but pretty wedding of much interest to many relatives and friends in Cumberland County was solemnized Saturday evening, Oct. 3rd, at 6 o’clock at the United Parsonage at South Hampton, when Rec. Wm. MacDonald united in marriage Dorothy Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, and Ralph Gerald, son of Mrs. Norman Adams and the late John Hart, of Halifax. The bride was very attractive in a street length wool suit of Queen’s blue with navy accessories. She carried a bouquet of red roses with maiden hair fern, her only ornament being a gold locket. She was attended by her sister, and the groom was attended by Murray Brown, brother of the bride. After the wedding a shower was held by James Brown, brother of the bride, at the home of Thos. Fisher. Lunch was served to some 50 guests. Best wishes of many friends go with the happy couple who will reside at Eastern Passage where the groom is employed.

October 24

TAYLOR – OLIVER – SACKVILLE, N.B., Oct. 23 – The marriage of Miss Eileen Dorothy Oliver, elder daughter of Lieut. and Mrs. A. W. Oliver of Saint John, formerly of Fredericton, and Bruce Arthur Gilbert Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Taylor of Kingsport, was solemnized on Saturday afternoon at St. George’s Church, Moncton. Rev. J. J. Alexander, rector of the church performed the ceremony in the presence of immediate relatives. The bride was attired in a black wool costume, fashioned in two-piece style, with self covered buttons in front, and her smart hat was black felt, trimmed with velvet and short veil. She wore a neckpiece of gray squirrel. Her corsage bouquet was of American Beauty roses. Later Mr. and Mrs. Taylor left by motor for a honeymoon trip in the Maritimes. The bride is a graduate of Fredericton High School, and received her Bachelor of Arts degree from University of New Brunswick, and taught school for two years. For the past year she has been with The Plants Technical Products Division, Sackville. The groom was Radio Service Manager at The Robert Simpson Company, Halifax, for seven years and is a Licensed Commercial Government Operator at CBA Sackville, where he has been engaged for the last three years, and is joining the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals.

October 24

LINDSAY – JOHNSON – MIDDLETON, Oct 23 – A wedding of wide interest to many friends throughout Nova Scotia and New Brunswick was solemnized at 9 a.m. Tuesday, oct. 13, at Holy Trinity Church, Middleton, when Rev. T. R. B. Anderson, rector, united in marriage, Orael Madonna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson, Nictaux Falls, and John Vail, only son of Mrs. Alex H. Lindsay and the late Mr. Lindsay of Saint John, N. B. The double ring ceremony was used. The church was decorated with assorted mums, fern and autumn leaves. Mrs. Colin Rowe was soloist. To the strains of the processional from Lohengrin’s wedding march, played by Miss Muriel Ritcey, the bride entered the church on the arm of her father, by whom she was given in marriage. Her wedding gown was of embroidered white satin, made on princess lines with a full sweeping skirt. The bodice was shirred at the front, a sweetheart neckline with tiny buttons extending to the waist-line at the back and long sleeves tapering to a point at the wrists. Her veil of English silk bridal net was embroidered with satin in the corners and around the edges and was held in place by a coronet of lilies-of-the-valley. Her only ornament was a gold locket which belonged to the groom’s grandmother. She carried a cascade bouquet of red roses, white bouvardia and fern with a bow of white satin and gold, matching her golden slippers. The bride was attended by Miss Virginia Smith, of New Glasgow, as her maid of honor. Little Patricia Johnson, youngest sister of the bride, was flower-girl, and Donald Johnson, the bride’s brother was best man. Mrs. Milton Uhlam, Torbrook, and Mrs. Leslie Martyn, Nictaux Falls, sisters of the bride were the ushers. After the ceremony, a buffet wedding breakfast was served to the bridal party and guests at the bride’s home. Mrs. H. F. East poured, while the ushers served the guests. The happy couple left for a wedding trip to Saint John and other points of interest in New Brunswick. Many beautiful gifts were received by the bride and groom, among them being a tri-light floor lamp presented to the groom by the staff of No. 6 Detachment, R. C. A. P. C., in which he is a Staff-Sergeant. For the past years, the bride has been employed by the Department of National Defense at No. 1 “Y” Depot, R. C. A. F., Halifax. The best wishes of their friends follow them to their new home at 58 Bland Street, Halifax.

October 24